So I am a bona fide Final Fantsy Freak now. I am watching Kara play through FF: X again. We are playing FF: IX together and once that is done we plan to go back through the rest of them in order. I play FF: Tactics on my GBA for at least three hours every night before I go to sleep. My Ninja Army is truly a fearsome sight. I am eagerly anticipating the release of FF: X2 even though I know full well that it sports a pop star Yuna and an all girl cast. I look at the teaser sight for FF: XII at least five times a day trying to get some new bit of information from the image there. I downloaded the new tech demo for FF: XI the other day and I like to press keys on my keyboard while it’s running and pretend I’m really playing it. I used to make fun of my friend Robert for being such a Final Fantasy fanboy and now I think of ways to break into his house and steal his collection of Squaresoft T-Shirts. Then I saw the new pictures of the direct to DVD FF: VII “movie” and I got so excited I actually went blind for about twenty minutes.