I just wanted to talk for a second about the Gamefly ads you guys are seeing over there on the right. Where as IGN is riding Ronalds bone pony all the way to the McBank we take a little bit different approach to advertising. We have selected a service that I think you guys will actually like. We’re innovators, I know.
Spine-Tingling Trivia
I am wondering if you know which people are Programming Language Inventors and which ones like to kill people. This is a useful skill, for reasons which I think are obvious.
Tycho Reads From Your Letters
Re: McGriddle
I Love It!
To Say Nothing Of The Hamburglar
If you have been inexorably drawn to unique new McDonald's breakfast items, it may be because you have recently visited IGN. We looked at it a lot yesterday, an hour or so while we ferreted out the hidden meaning of the McDonald's Pantheon, and I want a McGriddle so Goddamn bad now it hurts. I'm going to get one of each kind and eat them right there in the fucking parking lot. I keep making a fist, reflexively.
Some more stuff
Just wanted to clarify a few things about the next event since I got a few questions.
Gameday 3: This time it's PC!
The Dark Procession
I'm not sure if there is a slipperier slope than trying to determine creative primacy, and the slope in question is further lubricated by the fact that we're talking about not only popular culture but also literary heritage and folklore. Everyone borrows. Some borrow more than others, and we have laws to govern that sort of double-dipping. But it remains to be seen whether the court will find in White Wolf's favor where the movie Underworld is concerned.
Survey says!
If you could take a second and help us out with a little survey in the forum that would be swell.
Yin and Yang
I thought I would share some new CTS artwork with you all. Click on the thumbnail below to see the full image.
I answer your questions!
There are lots of good questions in the forum and since only ten of them will get picked for the interview I figured I’d answer a few here.
What The Girls Call Murder
Guy's Night Out for us is essentially the same as Guy's Night In. I don't think they like it very much, but we take the Cube over to Lanwerx a couple nights a week with the GBAs and play Crystal Chronicles. It's just some neutral Switzerland everybody can get to.. We don't, um... pay them anything, we just go over to the couch and plug in our own console. I doubt that's regulation. They haven't said anything yet, though I really try to emphasize it when I purchase a Jolt Cola from the vending machine, as if to say "These Quarters Weigh A Thousand Of Your Earth Pounds."
A few things
A few people asked who is in the picture up there. So from left to right you have Porkfry, Tycho, and Brad. I am the one taking the picture. We don't look anything like the characters in the strip because we didn't realize the characters were actually us until the second year. If that makes you angry I don’t really care. You’re ugly too, so stop fucking mailing me about it.
Well crap
I suppose if there is a problem with Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, it’s that only four people can play. This can result in some friends feeling a bit left out.
Questions for us
Comixpedia is asking the community for questions that they will then ask us in an interview later this month. If you want to ask us something post your questions here.
Pictures from Lanwerx!
Sorry it took so long but here are some great pictures from our last Lanwerx Gaming Day. I’d like to say thanks again to Bungie for coming down and showing off Halo 2 as well as Halo PC. Also thanks to all the PA fans that showed up, I hope you all had as good a time as we did.