Some kind of program that blocks known RIAA jackholes from diddling your computer with their hideous mutant prongs. Oh, that's right! I guess PeerGuardian does that.

Some kind of program that blocks known RIAA jackholes from diddling your computer with their hideous mutant prongs. Oh, that's right! I guess PeerGuardian does that.
If you are into digital freedoms at all, might I reccomend Canada? I hear the liberty is nice there this time of year.
Lots of you are asking how I got the image on the side of my case. I actually used my connections with the experts over at GBA MOD. I asked them make me a big ass glossy sticker. Well actually two stickers that I then put together. It’s not perfect since you can still see a little line where the two halves meet. It’s pretty fucking sweet though and I’m happy with it. As for us offering something similar for others to purchase, I am not sure yet. As of right now I wouldn’t feel right about selling stickers this size unless we could make them in one piece. I’ll look into and let you guys know.
This weekend’s event is shaping up nicely. If you would like to partake in some Crystal Chronicles you don’t necessarily need a GBA. It would be cool if you brought one but we will have some extras on had if you can’t find yours or whatever. A few people asked about what sorts of limitations there will be on what I’m willing to sketch on Saturday. Someone requested an intricately detailed illustration involving multiple characters in various states of undress cavorting in a magical forest full of wood nymphs and water sprites. Yeah, that’s probably not gonna happen. See I’m gonna have a sharpie and you can ask me to draw any character from the comic strip and I’ll go ahead and do that for you. For example at the San Diego comic con I drew lots and lots of Fruit Fuckers some Cardboard Tube Samurais and even a couple Claw Shrimp. I’ll have plenty of paper there so you don’t need to bring anything but your smiling face.
Some stuff you gots to know about it:
Everyone is by now quite aware of the over 200 lawsuits the RIAA has brought against regular human beings, some of whom had no idea what they were doing was questionable legally. We certainly knew that it was, that's part of what made it so great, but that has not stopped us from making a very genuine statement regarding our prior life of sin. We're actually referring to a "program" they've devised, called "Clean Slate," where you can tell them you've been naughty and promise never to be bad ever again. Forgive me for saying so, but it doesn't seem wise to identify yourself. Call me fucking crazy.
I just grabbed the new update to Xbox Live, which adds considerable functionality - booting up the system without a game in logs you in to Xbox Live automatically, and places you in a new UI where you can manage your Friends list, voice chat, and receive invites. This is part of an upgrade that extends a bit beyond the console, as you'll be able to access leaderboards, tournament information, and your Friends information from your computer as well.
I was looking around at EB's site to find out the ship date for D&D Heroes - that's on the 23rd, by the by - when I saw something I didn't recognize.
White Wolf just put up a press release announcing that though the court did not grant their injunction, it did other things that were encouraging to them. Go check it out, if this story interests you.
I had no idea that the McDonald's Concpiracy field had been so well plowed. There is already much ink spilled in service to it.
I just wanted to talk for a second about the Gamefly ads you guys are seeing over there on the right. Where as IGN is riding Ronalds bone pony all the way to the McBank we take a little bit different approach to advertising. We have selected a service that I think you guys will actually like. We’re innovators, I know.
I am wondering if you know which people are Programming Language Inventors and which ones like to kill people. This is a useful skill, for reasons which I think are obvious.
Re: McGriddle
If you have been inexorably drawn to unique new McDonald's breakfast items, it may be because you have recently visited IGN. We looked at it a lot yesterday, an hour or so while we ferreted out the hidden meaning of the McDonald's Pantheon, and I want a McGriddle so Goddamn bad now it hurts. I'm going to get one of each kind and eat them right there in the fucking parking lot. I keep making a fist, reflexively.
Just wanted to clarify a few things about the next event since I got a few questions.